Submission Guidelines

Submission-Guidelines (pdf)

Revised Jan 2015
Revised 1st Sep 2018
Revised 21st Oct 2018
Revised 16th June 2019
Revised 16th Apr 2020
Revised 24th March 2022

Submission Guidelines for Wetland Research

1.     Structure of Manuscript to be Submitted
A manuscript to be submitted should be structured as follows:
1) Information sheet for submission
2) Main text
3) References
4) Figures (including titles and descriptions)
5) Tables (including titles and descriptions)
2.     Information Sheet for Submission
The information sheet for submission (ISS) should include all of the following items:
I. For peer-reviewed articles (“Original Articles,” “Practical Research,” “Review Articles,” “Research Notes”)
1)     Type of article
2)     Title in English
3)     Title in Japanese
4)     Author name in English (Wetland Society membership status should be mentioned – “yes or no”)
5)     Author name in Japanese (if applicable)
6)     Corresponding author contact details (full mailing address, phone number, e-mail address)
7)     Corresponding author contact details in Japanese, if applicable (full mailing address, phone number, e-mail address)
8)     Affiliation name in English
9)     Affiliation name in Japanese (if applicable)
10)  Abstract in English (required for “Original Articles,” optional for “Practical Research,” “Review Articles,” “Research Notes”)
11)  Abstract in Japanese (required for “Original Articles,” optional for “Practical Research,” “Review Articles,” “Research Notes”)
12)  Keywords in English (about five keywords; required for “Original Articles,” optional for “Practical Research,” “Review Articles,” “Research Notes”)
13)  Keywords in Japanese (about five keywords; required for “Original Articles,” optional for “Practical Research,” “Review Articles,” “Research Notes”)
The text of the Japanese abstract is about 600 characters, and the English abstract is about 400 words. Since the abstract is sometimes handled independently from the main text, clauses, terms, formulas, and charts in the text should not be cited. Also, do not use uncommon abbreviations, symbols, and terminology without defining them. Please refer to “3. Main text” regarding notations and usage of punctuation marks, numbers, organism names, and units.
II. For non-peer-reviewed articles (“Case Introduction,” “Topics,” “Book Review,” “Announcements from the Society,” “Others”)
1)     Type of the article
2)     Title in English
3)     Title in Japanese
4)     Author name in English
5)     Author name in Japanese (if applicable)
6)     Corresponding author contact details (full mailing address, phone number, e-mail address)
7)     Corresponding author contact details in Japanese, if applicable (full mailing address, phone number, e-mail address)
8)     Affiliation name in English
9)     Affiliation name in Japanese (if applicable)
3.     Main Text
The manuscript should be formatted on A4-size paper with 12-point font and about 30 lines per page. Page margins should be set to around 3 cm on both sides (left/right) and for the top and bottom. Add line numbers and page numbers continuously (do not restart numbering on each page). In addition, one page of the printed article is roughly equivalent to 600 words. Punctuation marks are “,” “.”, and the use of kana should be based on modern kana orthography. Use Arabic numerals and place a comma for every three digits. When you use Japanese biological names or English names, you must include a scientific name (italic notation) at first mention. For Japanese biological names, use katakana.
Units should follow the International System of Units (SI).
Headings of chapters, subchapters, and sections are as follows:
Chapter 1, 2, 3, …
Subchapter 1.1, 1.2, …, 2.1, …
Section 1.1.1, 1.1.2, …
4.     Guidelines for Citations
When quoting literature in the text, follow the examples below. When quoting from different papers written by the same author in the same year, sequential lowercase letters beginning with “a” should be added after the issue year to distinguish between them. In the case of multiple authors (three or more), only the first author should be noted, and the remaining authors should be described by using “et al.” for English papers. When quoting a website, if the author or the announcement year is clear, it should be written down. Otherwise, write down the website administrator name so that it can be checked against the reference list. The term “in press” is used only when the paper is accepted. For unaccepted papers, “unpublished” should be noted in the text but not in the reference list.
Example 1: According to Sato and Kobayashi (2008) …, Mitsch (2007) and Yamada et al. (2010) ….
Example 2: … reported (Sato et al. 2007, Kato and Obama 1998).
Example 3: … reported (Sato 2006a, ABC Prefecture ABC Department a, ABC Prefecture ABC Department b).
Example 4: … reported (Sato 2006b, Kobayashi in press, ABC Ministry 2003).
5.     How to Write the Reference List
In the list of cited references, the literature should be listed in alphabetical order based on the authors’ last names without grouping them based on type of publication (i.e., articles, books, etc.). In the case of articles with the same author, they should be arranged in numerical order based on the year of issue and should be put together at the end of the text. Each type of literature is described according to the following examples. If possible, also include the DOI (digital object identifier). In the case of a website, write the URL and access date.

Hussain SA, Singh RK, Badola R (2008) An ecological survey of the Trans-Himalayan wetlands of the proposed Changthang Biosphere Reserve, India, for conservation planning. Biosphere Conservation, 9 (1), 53-63.
Nohara S, Kato H, Takamura N, Mikami H (1999) Present state of aquatic plants in Lake Towada – from the results of 1997 survey. National Institute for Environmental Studies Research Report, 146, 49-54. (in Japanese with English Abstract)

 Yabe (in press) Study on change of … of wetland. Wetland Research.
Kurechi M (2006) Wandering across the wild geese. Doubutsu-sya (in Japanese).
Mitsch WJ, Gosselink JG (2007) Wetlands 5th ed. John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Chapters or Volumes
Maltby E (1991) Wetlands and their Values. Wetlands (ed. Finlaysonn M, Moser M), 8-26. Facts On File Limited.
Okada M (2007) Uryunuma Wetlands, Wetlands in Hokkaido (edited by Tatsuichi T, Okada M, Takada M), 76-79. Hokkaido Shimbun (in Japanese).

Reports and Similar Publications
ABC Ministry ABC Bureau (2003) Heisei 14 ABC Review business report (ABC Ministry ABC Bureau ABC office, ABC, Heisei 15 March).

Ministry of ABC (2003) Aggregation result on Japanese ABC. <http: //www.xxxx.yyyy/zz.html> (Accessed on April 17, 2005).
ABC Prefecture ABC a, Current status of animals and plants in the ABC prefecture. <http: //www.aaaa.bbbbb.cccc/shokubutu.pdf>(Accessed on December 10, 2008).
ABC Department ABC b, Changes of wetlands in the ABC prefecture. <http: //www.aaaa.bbbbb.cccc/shicchi.pdf> (Accessed on December 10, 2008).

Even in the case of references for which the method described above is difficult to apply, information on the author name, publication time, title, publication place, publisher, etc. should be provided as much as possible so that readers can find such references.
6.     Notes on Copyrights Related to Citations
When quoting other authors’ works such as texts and diagrams, the authors are responsible for obtaining permission from the copyright owner(s) in advance.
7.     Figures and Tables
The figures (including pictures) and tables should not be incorporated in the text but included as separate documents for each figure and table. Each table should be adjusted to the appropriate size to print on one page. For tables beyond one page, divide each of theminto two or more tables. Clear figure/table files should be submitted on the assumption that the horizontal width dimension of printed figures/tables will be approximately 7 cm or 15 cm.
Figures and tables should be labeled sequentially using Arabic numbers (i.e. Fig. 1, Fig. 2; Table 1, Table 2, etc.). In figures and tables, explanatory notes that can be understood, even without reading titles and texts, should be added.
Insert a blank line before and after the point where the figure/table is inserted, as shown below.
Fig1.Insert place
8.     Submissions
Before submitting your manuscript, please make sure all items of “1. Structure of Manuscript to be Submitted” from 1) to 5) arecontained in one PDF file in that order. Ensure that the file size does not exceed 5 MB. Generally, all manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail, but we also accept electronic media (CD-ROM etc.) sent by postal mail.
9.     Submission Address / Inquiries
The manuscript will be sent to the Editorial Board at the address below. When submitting via e-mail, please write “Wetland Research Manuscript Submission ABC” (ABC is the corresponding author’s surname) in the subject line.

Dr. NOZAKI Kentaro, Japan Wetland Society Editorial Board
School of Education, Sugiyama Jogakuen University
Hoshigaoka Moto Machi 17-3, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 464-8662, Japan
E-mail address: journal (a)
※ In order to prevent unsolicited e-mails, the notation above has been changed. Please replace (a) with @.
10.   Proofreading
If you are submitting as a non-English speaker, be sure to have your English text proofread/reviewed by a native speaker and submit a certificate of English review.
Japanese abstract
 Regarding the Japanese abstract for “Original Articles,” (if any Japanese abstract for “Practical Research,” “Review Articles,” “Research Notes”) you may also be required to submit a certificate of Japanese review.
11.   Other
Since these guidelines may be revised, please refer to the latest version published on the Japan Wetland Society website ( Additionally, for matters not stipulated in the guidelines, please contact the Editorial Board.