The Constitution of The Japan Wetland Society

The Constitution of The Japan Wetland Society

Effective date: April 1, 2009; Revised date: September 5, 2009, September 11, 2021

General Rules

Art. 1. (Society name)

The Society shall be named The Japan Wetland Society.

Art. 2. (Secretariat)

The Society shall have a Secretariat to conduct the business of the Society.

The Secretariat of the Society shall be located at the following address for the fiscal year 2021-2023.

2-17-1 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8160, Japan
Hosei University Boissonade Tower 14F,Hosei University Qualification Course Practice Preparation Office
The Wetland Society of Japan Secretariat Koichi Sasagawa
Contact: info☆ (☆→@)

Art. 3. (Purpose)

The Society shall conduct natural, humanistic and social research on wetlands and promote conservation, wise use and CEPA (Communication, Capacity Building, Education, Participation, and Awareness). The purpose of this conference is to promote the development of wetland research in Japan by measuring the wetlands in Japan.

Note: The definition of “wetlands” to be treated by the Society needs to be discussed domestically in the future, but for the time being the definition of wetlands in the Ramsar Convention (i.e., the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, especially as Waterfowl Habitat) shall be applied (i.e., broadly including inland, coastal, and artificial wetlands).

Art. 4. (Projects)

In order to achieve the above-mentioned objectives, the Society shall carry out the following projects.

(1) The Society shall promote research and studies on wetlands both domestically and internationally.

(2) To hold meetings (e.g. Research meetings) for research presentations.

(3) To publish publications.

(4) Exchange information and academic exchanges with domestic and foreign research institutes.

(5) Any other activities necessary to achieve the objectives of the Society.

Chapter 2: Members

Art. 5. (Requirements)

The members of the Society shall be as follows

(1) Regular Members
Those who study or are interested in wetlands and who have been approved for membership by the Board of Directors.

(2) Honorary Members
The Society may have Honorary Members. The Board of Directors shall determine the honorary members.

(3) Group Member
The memberships shall be granted by the Board of Directors to legal entities/organizations that have an interest in wetland research.

Art.6. (Become a member)

Those who wish to become a member shall submit the prescribed application form and shall be approved by the Board of Directors.

Art.7. (Distribution of magazines, etc.)

The members shall participate in the activities of the Society and shall receive the Society’s journal (“Wetland Research”) and other publications.
*Rules of Submission will be determined separately.

Art. 8. (Membership Fees)

Members shall pay the membership fee in advance. However, Honorary Members are not required to pay the membership fee.

Art. 9.  (Resignation)

1. Any member who wishes to resign from the Society shall submit a notice of resignation to the Society.

2. Any member who has failed to pay the membership fee for more than two years may be counted as a resignation from the Society.

Art. 10. (Expulsion)

The Board of Directors may expel a member from the Society with a vote if the member commits an act that is detrimental to the reputation of the Society.

Chapter 3 Officers

Art.11. (Officers)

The Society shall have the following officers.

(1) One President, one Vice-President or two Vice-Presidents may be appointed.

(2) Five or more, but not more than fifteen Directors (including the President and Vice-President) of the Society

(3) One Secretary General of the Society, who may serve concurrently as a Director

(4) Two Auditors

Art.11.2 (Advisors)

Officers who have contributed to the development of the Society may be appointed as Advisors.

The Advisor may attend and advise the Board of Directors meetings. However, they do not have voting rights.

The Advisor shall be nominated by the President and decided by the Board of Directors. 

Art. 12. (Election of Officers)

The President and Vice-President shall be elected by the Board of Directors.

2. The Directors shall be elected in accordance with the election rules to be determined separately.

3. The Secretary General shall be appointed by the President.

4. The Auditors shall be elected by the General Assembly from among the regular members.

Art. 13. (Term of Office of Officers)

The term of office of the Officers shall be three years in principle. The Officers shall not be prevented from being re-elected. Reappointment to the Board of Directors shall not be precluded, but shall be based on two consecutive terms to ensure that as many members as possible have served on the Board.

Art. 14. (Duties of Officers)

The President shall represent the Society and preside over the management of the Society.

2. The Vice-President shall assist the President and shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President.

3. The Directors shall constitute the Board of Directors, and shall deliberate on matters related to the management of the Society, and carry out duties related to finance, organization, editing, conventions, research, international exchange, etc.

4.  The Secretary General shall manage the affairs of the Society under the supervision of the President and Vice-Presidents.

5. The Auditors shall audit the accounts of the Society.

Art. 15. (Replacement of Officers, etc.)

The replacement of officers shall take place from the next fiscal year after their election.

2. When an officer vacancy occurs and needs to be filled, the President shall appoint an officer in consultation with the Board of Directors. The term of office shall be for the remainder of the predecessor’s term of office.

Chapter 4: Committees and Subcommittees

Art. 16. (Committees and Subcommittees)

The Society may establish Committees and Subcommittees by resolution of the Board of Directors as necessary to carry out its business.

(1) Committees and Subcommittees
Bylaws for Committees and Subcommittees shall be established by resolution of the Board of Directors.

Chapter 5: Meetings

Art. 17. (Convocation of the board)

The President shall convene at least one meeting of the Board of Directors at least once a year.

2. If more than one-third of the members of the Board of Directors indicate an agenda and make a request, the President shall convene a special meeting of the Board of Directors within twenty days.

3. The President shall chair the Board of Directors meetings.

Art. 18. (Holding a General Meeting)

An ordinary General Meeting shall be held once a year.

2. The President shall convene a special General Meeting in the following cases:

(1) When the Board of Directors deems it necessary.

(2) If at least one-fifth of the active members request the meeting, indicating the agenda.

(3) The chairperson of the General Meeting shall be elected by the members from among themselves.

Art. 19. (Agenda items of the General Meeting)

The following items shall be submitted to the General Meeting for approval.

(1) Business plan and income and expenditure budget.

(2) Business report and the settlement of accounts.

(3) Auditor’s audit.

(4) Other matters as considered necessary by the Board of Directors.

Art. 20. (Quorum)

Meetings of the Board of Directors shall not be held unless one-half or more of the Directors and one-fifth or more of the members participate in the General Meetings. However, proxies submitted in advance may be added to the number of participants at the Board of Directors and General Meetings.

2. All resolutions of all meetings shall be adopted by a majority of participants, except as provided in Article 25 of the Constitution. In case of a tie vote, the Chairman shall decide.

Art. 21. (Minutes)

The minutes of the General Meeting and the Board of Directors meetings shall be prepared and kept. The outline of the proceedings and resolutions of these meetings shall be notified to the members.

Chapter 6. Assets and Accounting

Art. 22. (Assets)

The management and business of the Society shall be conducted with the following assets: 

(1) Membership fees

(2) Income associated with the Society’s business

(3) Donations

(4) Other income.

Art. 23. (Business and Accounting)

The Board of Directors shall prepare a business report and accounts for the previous year and submit them to the General Assembly. However, the accounts shall be audited.

Art. 24. (Fiscal Year)

The fiscal year of the Academy shall begin on April 1 of each year and end on March 31 of the following year.

Chapter 7 Amendments to the Constitution

Art. 25. (Amendments to the Constitution)

The Constitution may not be amended without a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the participants at the General Assembly.


This constitution shall take effect on April 1, 2009.
Revised September 5, 2009.
Revised on September 1, 2018.

◆Election Rules for Directors of The Japan Wetland Society

Art. 1. (Purpose)

These rules provide for the election of Directors in accordance with Article 12 of “The Constitution of The Japan Wetland Society”.

Art. 2 (Election Committee)

1. The Election Affairs shall be administered by the Election Committee. 

2. The Committee shall consist of not less than three and not more than five active members appointed by the President.

Art. 3. (Election and Election Rights)

The right to vote and to be elected shall be reserved for active members who have paid their membership fees in full.

Art. 4. (Method of Election)

1. Election shall be by mail or email ballot, with the Election Committee determining the method of election.

2. The mail ballot shall be a secret ballot, using the designated ballot form provided by the Election Committee, and shall be secretly recorded below the quorum.  Electronic ballots shall be cast using the ballot form delivered to the Election Committee and shall be written in the same form with the number of ballots not exceeding the quorum.

3. The following ballots shall be void.

(1) Voting in excess of the quorum shall be void.

(2) A ballot that arrives after the closing date shall be considered invalid.
The validity of other ballots shall be determined by the Election Committee.

4. They shall be elected in the order of the number of valid ballots cast, with the younger members taking precedence in the event of a tie vote at the end.

Art. 5. (Election and Replenishment)

The Board of Directors shall elect not more than twelve members to the Board of Directors from among the quorum specified in Article 11(2) of the Constitution.

However, considering the region, specialization, and gender, the (new) President may fill up the number of Directors up to the quorum in consultation with the (new) Board of Directors.

Art. 6. (Revised)

The Rules may be revised by a resolution of the General Assembly on the proposal of the Board of Directors.


These rules are effective from October 1, 2011.